Packaging Solutions
11LB carton boxes
25LB carton boxes
Bagged upon request
Can ship also in cardboard bins,
macro bins, or bulk for processing
Packing: bagged, cartons, bulk

Conventional or organic
Traditional orange green stalks
crowned or cull carrots available
Purple and white available on contract
Individual quick freeze available
Fresh Cut: nubs, custom cut

July to October
Year-round except June
Delivery available

What sets Canam Fresh carrots apart?
Take a closer look at how Canam Fresh farms asparagus in Canada!

This Canam Fresh field of carrots in Ontario is ready for harvesting!

Carrots farmed and bagged by Canam Fresh for clients.
Shopping for Carrots
Choose carrots that are vibrant with a smooth, non-broken exterior. Ensure they are firm and well-shaped. Carrots can become bitter when close to ethylene gas (found in apples, pears, potatoes, etc.) Store carrots in Canam Fresh packaging, designed to preserve freshness and taste longer!
Nutritional Info
Carrots are low-calorie, high-fiber vegetable rich in beta carotene, thus providing an excellent source of vitamin A. They are also a good source of vitamins B, C, and K as well as potassium. Carrots also include vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, zinc, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and manganese.
Taste Profile
Although beets are sweeter, Canam Fresh carrots score an A+ in the taste department. Their texture is firm and crunchy when raw, and they add a satisfying sweetness to any recipe.